As a green lover, you probably know what to look out for when buying plants. But if you’ve only just discovered flora, that Fingerspitzengefühl isn’t quite there yet. Here’s what to look out for when buying houseplants.

Bunch of animals
Now it is important to look at the plant a little more thoroughly. Literally more thoroughly, because you have to study the potting compost carefully. Maybe you will see critters crawling around. And you would rather not have them there. Tap the pot a few times – not too wildly – to see if anything comes free. Also check carefully on and between the leaves to see if there are any insects or even fungi there. Do you spot insects? Leave the houseplant where it is.

The roots
One of the most important things to look out for before buying houseplants is the roots. Before you buy that lovely green bloomer (how about this beautiful peacock plant?), it’s a good idea to turn the pot upside down. Without the plant falling out, of course. Look at the root system of the plant. If these are just coming out of the drainage holes, then this plant is a perfect candidate to score. Chances are that it will continue to grow nicely and that it can be easily removed from its standard pot.

As a green lover, you probably know what to look out for when buying plants. But if you’ve only just discovered flora, that Fingerspitzengefühl isn’t quite there yet. Here’s what to look out for when buying houseplants. Bunch of animals Now it is important to look at the plant a little more thoroughly. Literally more…

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